1.Research Mission

Our mission is to investigate human minds and behavior based on cognitive science and to apply our results to develop and design better computer systems. Research has been carried out by (1) examining human cognition and behavior via experimentation, (2) creating models that can be run on computers, and (3) developing computer applications and software that are driven by our results. Evaluations of such systems help us understand the validity of the models and provide new insights into how to design systems. To understand cognition and behavior, we have conducted various types of analyses such as verbal (protocol analysis) and eye-movements, facial expressions, and pulse rates to understand emotional states. We have developed computer applications such as embodied conversational agents and web-based learning systems, which incorporate intelligent systems such as pedagogical agents.

3 dimension of research theme

2.Field of Research

Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Educational Technology, Human- Interface

3.Research Method

Laboratory experiments, Online experiments, Conversation analysis (Protocol analysis), Eye tracking (eye movement measurement), Facial expression analysis, Motion capture, Computer simulation, Machine learning, Statistics, etc.

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4.1.basic research

Perception (Vison, Audition, Tactile, Olfaction, Taste), Cognition (Language, Memory/Learning, Thinking/Reasoning/Problem-Solving, Decision-Making), Emotion (Kansei, Facial expression analysis), Computer Simulation (Cognitive Modeling, Bayesian, Recurrent analysis), etc.

4.2.applied research

Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Creativity Support, Communication Support (Clinical Counseling, Listening Support) Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Human-Agent Interaction (HAI), Virtual Reality (VR), Social Games, etc.

5.Grant-Based Projects

5.1.Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research: KAKENHI
5.2.Ritsumeikan University

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