Reflecting on one’s behavior may provide an opportunity to discover things that one has not considered in the past. Mental activities such as looking back and re-evaluating one’s activities are known as metacognition. Metacognition is widely known to be effective in various everyday activities such as knowledge-building, decision-making, and communication. In our lab, we focus on how to facilitate metacognition in computer-based learning situations. In particular, we focus on the use of intelligent systems that monitor the learner’s activity and provide adequate metacognitive suggestions. This study shows how effective learning support systems are based on human cognitive models, and this is one of the most important methodologies in our lab.
What is Intelligent Tutoring Systems?
私のブックマーク「知的学習支援システム(Intelligent Tutoring Systems)」
Facilitation using Emotional Expression
林勇吾・小川均 (2013)Pedagogical Conversational Agentを用いた協同学習の促進-感情表出に着目した検討-,電子情報通信学会論文誌D,J96-D(1),70-80
Facilitation using multimodal facilitation
林勇吾(2014)Dual-Channel Modelに基づく対話エージェントを利用した協同による説明活動の促進方法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌D, J97-D(1),17-27
Facilitation using multiple agents
Facilitations using gaze gestures and eye-tracking
林勇吾(2018)知識統合型の協同学習における身体性を持つ教育エージェント:眼球運動測定を用いた助言と視線ジェスチャに関する実験的検討, ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 20(1),79-88
Learning Support System in Web-based Explanation Support by Pedagogical Agent