学習活動におけるコミュニケーション/Communication during learning
Hayashi, Y. & Shimojo, S.(2021). Investigating gaze behavior of dyads in a collaborative explanation task using a concept map: Influence of facilitation prompts on perspective taking. Proceedings of the1st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Learning Sciences(ISLS2021), 149?152.
林 勇吾 (2019). 知的学習支援システムによる協同学習の支援に向けて:視線情報と言語情報を用いた学習プロセスの推定モデル 認知科学, 26(3), 343-356.
Hayashi, Y. (2019). Detecting Collaborative Learning through Emotions: An Investigation using Facial Expression Recognition. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems(ITS’19), 89-98.
CAI, Y., Shimojo, S., & Hayashi, Y. (2020). Observing Facial Muscles to Estimate the Learning State During Collaborative Learning: A Focus on the ICAP Framework. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2020), 119-126.
Ohmoto, Y., Shimojo, S., Morita, J., & Hayashi, Y. (2021). Investigating Clues for Estimating ICAP States based on Learners’ Behavioural Data during Collaborative Learning, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2021), 224-231.
傾聴コミュニケーション/Listening communication
黄 宏軒・澁澤 紗優美・林 勇吾・川越 恭二 (2016). 傾聴エージェントの実現に向けた傾聴会話参加者の自他評価による数値化モデルの提案 ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 18(4), 373-384.
Huang, H., Shibusawa, S., Hayashi, Y., & Kawagoe, K. (2013). Toward a Virtual Companion for the Elderly: an Investigation on the Interaction between the Attitude and Mood of the Participants during Active Listening. Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI 2013), 112–0.